ArchiMate - Learning ArchiMate
This article is part of the The ArchiMate Series
When you start learning ArchiMate it can be difficult to know where to begin, reading the specification is a good start but putting this knowledge into practice can be quite difficult. Hopefully some of the links below will make it easier.
Reference Material
- ArchiMate® 3.2 Specification - from The Open Group
- ArchiMate® 3.1 Specification - from The Open Group
- ArchiMate Overview - resources from The Open Group
- ArchiMate 3.1 Metamodel - from R&A Enterprise Architecture
- ArchiMate on Wikipedia - some history about the language
- ArchiMate 3.2 Reference - from goodea
Videos & Courses
- The Tip of the Iceberg: What is Next for the ArchiMate® 3.2 Specification
- ArchiMate 3.0 Videos - YouTube list from The Open Group
- Using the ArchiMate Modeling Language in Real Life Examples
- Archi - 5 minute guide series
Examples Models
- ArchiModels - reference models on the Archi GitHub
- European Interoperablity Reference Architecture
- ArchiMate Cookbook - from Holistic Enterprise Development
- Mastering ArchiMate - from Gerben Wierda